Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Day 205: Baby Tales

I didn't mean to do it. I swear I didn't. I was only being friendly. Please please please don't think bad of me.

I only wanted to say hi. I didn't know my voice was too loud when I said hi... twice. I wasn't yelling. I don't know why he would cry. I said nice things, really.

And I didn't really grab him when he started crying. I was only trying to touch him. I wanted to comfort him. I know I held a little too strongly... and maybe a little too long. It's not my fault. I'm just a wee baby.

I'm not a bully!

Please don't think bad of me.

I love you!

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 200: Baby Tales

World, I am a big baby now.

I eat solid food. To date, I have eaten bananas, oranges, oatmeal, squash, mangoes, potatoes, apples, avocados, and I will eat even more.

I can crawl all over my 'rent's bed and back. I can dive to get to places faster and when all else fails, I will roll over and over.

I do not lie back for my bath anymore. I insist on sitting up and standing to get all the places to be cleaned up soaped down.

I fit into toddler clothes. No more baby clothes for me. I don't like suits unless it's cold but I will deign to wear them on special occasions as long as said occasions will get me photographed on my good side.

I insist on sleeping alone. No more singing me to sleep. Singing me to half-sleep yes, but no more on the cuddling, unless I feel bad and achy, then that's another matter.

So please, be prepared. Tomorrow, I will be much more.